Bid Opening: Request for Construction Bids: Revitalization of Richardson Field

            Request for Construction Bids:Revitalization of Richardson Field

TheCity of Glasgow is accepting sealed bids regarding work necessary to constructa new, brick-and-mortar concession building accompanied by steel-framed metalstructures covering the seating areas for the complete revitalization of RichardsonField, Gorin Park, 201 Gorin Park Drive, Glasgow, KY 42141.  Bidders must acquire and review the contractdocuments and plans to be eligible. Digital versions of these documents may be obtained by contacting BentonFudge by email at [email protected]

            Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: 10a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at Glasgow Parks & Recreation Department,309 South Liberty Street, Glasgow, KY 42141.

Bid deadline submission is 3:00 p.m. local time, Friday, December15, 2023, at Glasgow City Hall, Office of the Mayor, 126 East PublicSquare, Glasgow, Kentucky 42141 where bids will be publicly opened. Sealedenvelopes must be marked: Revitalization of Richardson Field.

The City of Glasgow – Glasgow Parks& Recreation Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids or towaive any formalities in the bidding process. Pursuant to KRS 45A.080 (2) Awardof bid shall be made on the basis of best value. No bid may be withdrawn for aperiod of 90 days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Cityof Glasgow – Glasgow Parks & Recreation Department. 


Dec 15 2023


3:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Glasgow City Hall
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